Advanced Program on Data Science

Data Science

Making Data to work for business goals is the aim of this advanced program on Data Science. Using statistics and creating business models to ascertain patterns and insights to decide where investment is required to be done; where goods need to be moved; where performance needs to be monitored is the desired outcome from the course.

$ 1,295 (USD)

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Data Science with R - What is analytics

Data Science with R - Why is analytics becoming popular?

Machine Learning with Python - Overview and Installations (Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook)

Machine Learning with Python - Basic Python Data Structures

E-Commerce Analytics - Overview of the Course

E-Commerce Analytics - Digital Economy e-commerce and developments : An introduction

Financial Analytics - Overview of Marketing and Risk Analytics`

Financial Analytics - Data Sources Part 1

Supply Chain - Supply Chain Analytics - An Introduction

Supply Chain - Decision Phases in a Supply Chain

HR Analytics - Evolution of HR Analytics

HR Analytics - Analytics Wave and it's Impact on Business

HR Analytics - Analytics Wave and it's Impact on Business

HR Analytics - Analytics Wave and it's Impact on Business

What is the Program all about?

Making Data to work for business goals is the aim of this advanced program on Data Science. Using statistics and creating business models to ascertain patterns and insights to decide where investment is required to be done; where goods need to be moved; where performance needs to be monitored is the desired outcome from the course. Using R, Python, Machine Learning and any 2 electives from a range covering Social Media, Supply Chain Management, HR, Financial Analytics and e-Commerce equips a student with the technical skills necessary to achieve the goals.

What is the Method of Delivery?

Video Presentations with transcripts which can be downloaded. Tests in the nature of Multiple Choice Questions and Case Studies – Graded and Non Graded Support Desk for query resolution.

What are the Learning Objectives or takeaways?

Obtain a working knowledge of R, Python and Machine Learning

What is the Program Structure? 

Over 5 courses and several modules or topics and more than 300 videos with case studies and graded and non graded case studies and MCQ's a student will be pacing their efforts as per the suggested learning paths over the specified program duration. On completion of each course a Completion certificate will be available and on completion of all courses a Certificate of Achievement for the Program will be issued.

Who should do it?

ALL Professionals, Managers and Leaders at ALL LEVELS who want to follow an upwards growth trajectory for the business and themselves. Entrepreneurs seeking to professionalise their business and create a larger institution Students seeking a structured course to add credentials to their resume as they walk out from their institutions into the world.